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Walotti UG

Walotti UG

Online Marketing

Online Marketing



Social Media

Social Media



How we are different

Our way

Grandma always said that if you can do everything, you can't do anything right. We prefer to be specialists rather than all-rounders. For this reason we have specialized and are experts in the following business areas:

 Why are digital marketing skills important?
Age of digital change

Why are digital marketing skills important?

Digital marketing skills are important because companies can use these skills to maintain their digital presence and develop online marketing strategies to promote their brand, products or services. Digital marketing strategies allow you to reach your target audience using web browsers, social networks, and email newsletters. With online marketing knowledge, you can also develop approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and determine which campaigns are most successful.

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 Excellent service with passion
Age of digital change

Excellent service with passion

Our team combines years of experience in customer communication, inbound and outbound service and sales support. Various qualifications and agile approaches ensure that our team is perfectly prepared.

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 “We bring out the strengths of our customers.”
Age of digital change

“We bring out the strengths of our customers.”

Dialogue marketing must be one thing above all: friendly and competent. No matter whether it is about proactive contact or receiving customer inquiries - Janeva hits the right note to acquire customers and offer an appealing information service. From lead management to customer acquisition and sales to after-sales service, we maintain contact and discuss all topics relating to your products and services with your customers.

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Our Mission

“Our mission is to make the future easier for companies.”

Frequently Asked Question

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